"The Secret Committee Behind America’s Prohibition Comeback" in Reason discusses a secretive committee influencing U.S. alcohol policy, reminiscent of Prohibition-era tactics. This group is pushing for stricter alcohol regulations, similar to those imposed on tobacco, by questioning the safety of any alcohol consumption. The article highlights concerns over the lack of transparency and the potential impact on personal freedoms, as well as the broader implications for public health policy and government overreach.
The Secret Committee Behind America's Prohibition Comeback |
The first iteration of American Prohibition came on the back of a mass popular uprising of progressives and anti-immigrant scolds. The second iteration may come in the form of a secret government committee of unelected bureaucrats. The 2025 dietary guidelines review process is currently underway in Washington, D.C., and the guidelines, among other things, will provide recommendations for how much booze Americans should drink. According to reports, it's looking like Prohibition is about to make a silent comeback... |